50 Years ago this month...

News from the 70's

Fifty years ago this month Miami University encountered turbulent times and changed significantly. Spring of 1970 was my freshman year on campus. Like many campuses, May 4, 1970 and the Kent State Massacre is ingrained in our personal histories. Here is the Miami story at that time presented by my good friend Dr. Curt Ellison. CLICK HERE

Robert Carmean '74

History of Gamma Upsilon Chapter - Delta Tau Delta at Miami University

In the fall of 1911 seventeen men under the leadership of C. Stuart Clarke’14 formed a local fraternity called Omega Psi Rho. The fraternity existed sub rosa until a house was rented, furnished and made ready for occupancy. There was little thought of nationalization at first and only the binding together of a group of men with real fraternity spirit and ideals.

Read more: History of Gamma Upsilon Chapter - Delta Tau Delta at Miami University