Brian Sammon ’09 Will Open Revolutionary Medical Practice This Fall

Brian Sammon ’09 still lives closely by the Delt ideal of “Committed to Excellence.” In his work as a physician, it often serves to remind him why it’s so important to go the extra mile, like staying late after a shift to call a patient with urgent lab results, or spending extra time educating a patient who seems confused. Now, Brian is taking that value with him on a new venture: starting his own medical practice.

We caught up with Brian to learn more about the unique features of his upcoming business, and how DTD has contributed along the way.

Read more: Brian Sammon ’09 Will Open Revolutionary Medical Practice This Fall

Nothing Keeps Brotherhood Alive Like a Boys’ Weekend on the Lake

Dave Tumbas ’74 Shares How He Keeps Connected

You’d be hard-pressed to find Lake Kamwakasach on any top 10 destinations on Google, but for Dave Tumbas ’74 and his fellow Delta Tau Delta brothers, it is a very special place—one that they descend upon each year for their annual fishing trip.

Since 1974, the trip has included the usual suspects: Dave Tumbas, Rollie (Rick Rollins ’76), Ricky (Rick Record ’74), Strack (Bruce Strachan ’75), Dr. Mintos (Steve Mintos – an honorary Delt by association), “D” (Dale Layton ’73), Kooks (Gary Kuklis ’74), and Bluhmer (Steve Bluhm ’73).

Read more: Nothing Keeps Brotherhood Alive Like a Boys’ Weekend on the Lake