Delt Gathering: If You Play Euchre and Drink Beer, You’re Invited!

There are less than six weeks until the 2015 Delt Gathering held on April 24-26 in Oxford! Last year, we had over 50 Delts attend the Gathering, and many committed to bringing more brothers in 2015. There is some great history behind this event which was started by brothers from the 1970s. We caught up with Bill Kurtz ’73 who gave us some of this history and who encourages any brothers who play Euchre and drink beer to make the trip to Oxford next month. Click here for more.

Read more: Delt Gathering: If You Play Euchre and Drink Beer, You’re Invited!

Can You Help Us Find Mark, Paul and Todd?

We need your help. Currently, we have email addresses for only 530 of our 1,410 active alumni. That is only 38%. We use email communication as a way to keep our brotherhood updated monthly about upcoming events, chapter news and the latest with our alumni. We also use it as a way to grow our annual fund to support our alumni relations program. Can anyone help us with the email addresses for Mark Boison ’76, Paul Counts ’89 or Todd Linehan ’01? Click below to submit your information for these three or the remaining 875+ who are missing.

Read more: Can You Help Us Find Mark, Paul and Todd?