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The memories don’t have to end with graduation. Brotherhood is for life, so whether you’ve made it to every event since graduation or you’ve missed every one, this year, we encourage you to play your memory highlight reel, and make plans to add to it in 2020. 

When you look back on your days with Delt a number of highlights come to mind: Alumni Weekend, Annual Delt Reunion, Homecoming and other special events have kept us in touch and given us the opportunity to make new memories.

2015 Delt Weekend 2014 50's Reunion 2012 Gathering

Thanks to the power of technology that puts texts, photos, and emails at our fingertips, staying in touch with each other is easier than ever. But we all know it’ll never be the same as the memories we create side-by-side. Enjoy the technology that brings us together throughout the year, but don’t miss out on the opportunity to keep creating the life-changing memories that made your time with Delt unforgettable. Let's have a great 2020!