Joey Minges ’10

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Thank you to Joey Minges ’10 for participating in this Q&A.

Why did you join DTD as an undergraduate? I honestly joined Delts on accident. I went to their Rush Night, because my best friend from high school, who was a Delt, encouraged me to join a fraternity (mainly his). When I was given a bid, I was given the choice to accept or decline. I wanted to sit, but the option was never given to me.

I knew you could never say no to a fraternity, so I assumed maybe yes meant I could sit as well. Obviously I was wrong. Although it was a mistake, it was the best mistake I’ve ever made. I could not imagine my life without my brothers.

What is the funniest memory from your Delt days? My funniest memories are probably the infamous night I “became a dinosaur” and our “cabrewing trip.”

What is the single fondest memory you have shared/will share with your children and grandchildren? I would share general stories of college and how my brothers were always there for me though thick and thin.

How do you stay connected with your brothers as an alumnus? I stay connected with them through Facebook and Twitter.

Have you visited Miami since graduation? Why or why not? I’ve visited twice since I graduated in the fall of 2010. I visit because I miss Miami and I miss the guys.

What about your membership in DTD makes you the most proud? I’d say the gentlemen we recruit and the fact that we have a healthy relationship between drinking and community service. I like that our fraternity helps make positive changes in the Oxford community.

How would your life be different today if you had never joined DTD? I honestly don’t know. I know what I’ve lived, but I can guess my life wouldn’t have been as rich or exciting if I hadn’t joined Delts.

If you could go back and relive one moment from your Delt years, what would it be and why? I would like to relive my entire senior year because it was probably the best time of my life.

Where has life taken you since graduation? What's new in your life today? I’m currently applying for internships on Capitol Hill. Once I am accepted for an internship I know my life will take off from there, and I will be able to make big things happen. The economy is really rough right now.

Who do you stay connected with in your alumni years? Are there any brothers you've lost touch with whom you'd like to reconnect? I try to stay connected with everyone and it hasn’t been too difficult because I only recently graduated. There is a Linked In group for alumni to join for mutual networking and helping seniors find a job.

Why would you encourage other brothers to engage with DTD in their alumni years? Well, for one, alumni weekend, or any time you visit, you are able to “relive the dream.” It’s also important to give back to Delt because it was the reason you had that amazing experience in college, and without your contributions, it might be hard for others to have the same amazing time. It’s the right thing to do.

What is the best thing about your alumni experience? Coming back and reliving the Dream!

Reconnect with Joey at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..